Methods of delivery

Methods of Delivery (IF AVAILABLE)

Methods of Delivery Description Fee
National Post
  • National - The tickets will be sent to you within 14 working days.
    *Order fee may apply for specific events and will be added to every order and will be included in delivery fee.
9,00 PLN
  • International - The tickets will be sent to you within 14 working days.
    *Order fee may apply for specific events and will be added to every order and will be included in delivery fee.
27,00 PLN
Courier Company
  • National - The tickets will be sent to you within 14 working days.
    *Order fee may apply for specific events and will be added to every order and will be included in delivery fee.
19,90 PLN
  • International - The tickets will be sent to you within 14 working days.
    *Order Fee may apply for specific events and will be added to every order and will be included in delivery fee.
132,90 PLN
  • Ticketfast is our print@home ticket for your convenience. After your order is placed you will receive your ticket via email. Print the ticket out and take it with you to the event. (More Information)
    *Charges may apply for specific event.
0,00 PLN